Piperazine-like compounds: a new group of designer
drugs-of-abuse on the European market

de Boer D, Bosman IJ, Hidvegi E, Manzoni C,
Benko AA, dos Reys LJ, Maes RA.
Instituto Nacional do Desporto,
Laboratorio de Analises de Dopagem e Bioquimica,
Av. Prof. Egas Moniz (Estadio Universitario),
1600-190 Lisbon, Portugal
Neuropsychopharmacology. 2005 Mar;30(3):550-60.


1-Aryl-piperazine compounds are, depending on their substituents, selective for certain serotonin receptors and together with their easy availability and their so-called legal status, this group of psychoactive compounds are potential designer drugs-of-abuse. Internet in that respect is an important source of information and distribution facilities. Because this development may have consequences for the interpretation of future clinical and forensic toxicological case studies, some analytical aspects of 1-benzyl-piperazine (BZP), 1-[4-methoxyphenyl]-piperazine (pMeOPP) and 1-[3-trifluoromethylphenyl]-piperazine (TFMPP) were studied. BZP was not detected by the AxSYM FPIA technology designed to determine amphetamine-like compounds, but had showed some cross reactivity with EMIT d.a.u.. The cross reactivities at 300 and 12,000ng/ml (RS)-amphetamine equivalents were 0.4 and 1.3%, respectively. Although BZP was not identified directly by the REMEDi HS Drug Profiling System, it can be detected by this HPLC/UV scanning system. Using GC/NPD without derivatisation, BZP, pMeOPP and TFMPP can be analysed for and applying GC/MS without or with acetylation or trifluoroacetylation, these compounds can be identified unambiguously. The usefulness of GC/NPD and GC/MS in this respect was demonstrated by the quantitative and qualitative analysis of the content of a capsule with the synthetic stimulant A2, which proved to contain 86.4mg of BZP.
Detecting BZP
Antidepressant properties of BZP (Trelibet)
Screening for piperazine- and amphetamine-derived designer drugs
MDMA (Ecstasy)-like behavioural effects of N-substituted piperazines
Is BZP neuroprotective against MDMA/Ecstasy-induced neurotoxicity?

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